Exciting News!
I wanted to share a little more about a this Huddlup project that's been growing in our hearts! Many of you have reached out saying "Thanks, but no thanks" because you're happily in a relationship or marriage — which we totally understand. But here's the twist: this app isn't just for singles, and it's not your typical dating app!
John and I didn't grow up with dating apps; we met the old-fashioned way. Unfortunately, our kids have had to grow up in the era of dating apps, and we've seen firsthand the dangers—emotionally, mentally, and physically—that these apps can perpetuate. It's a pretty yucky environment for people who are genuinely seeking good, healthy, lasting relationships. After talking to our kids, their friends, divorced friends, and even widowed parents, we realized there's a massive need for a safe, accountable, and supportive dating environment. And that's exactly what this app is going to provide!
We can't say too much yet, but trust us, when you hear how it works, it’ll all make sense. During COVID, we had a lot of time to brainstorm, and this idea emerged. We thought, "Somebody really should invent that!" And the more we thought about it, the more we thought: Why don't WE just invent it!
After months of research and talking to lots of people, we pitched our idea to an app development team...and they LOVED it! They did their market research and confirmed there’s nothing like it out there! It was such an exciting moment to know we're onto something that could make a real difference!
However, after learning more about the costs involved, we realized it would take more than we expected to get it off the ground. We just couldn’t justify risking our home and future stability for our children. We were pretty deflated, so we tried to put the idea to rest. But this idea wouldn't leave us! We see the need for it every single day! People tell us their dating struggles, and we can't help but think, “If only there was an app for that!"
Several of our friends and family, once they heard about the app, even asked if they could invest in it! But, as we all know, big projects like this need serious funding. We didn’t want to do a GoFundMe or ask for handouts. That's just not how we roll. Over the last couple of years, John has been working on growing our crypto investments, to help fund the app. After a lot of research, he came up with the idea to create a "Huddlup" coin to help raise funds—AND allow our friends and family to make a profit as well!
The Huddlup coin goes live on March 2nd at 8:55 pm MST! 🚀 If you're into crypto and want to support the app, we'd love for you to invest in the coin! If crypto isn't your thing, just joining the group and spreading the word will make a huge difference in helping us gain traction.
We’ll be launching our website, huddleupdating.com, soon, with all the details on how to invest and updates on the app. We can't WAIT to tell you more about it — we truly believe this app will change the dating landscape for the better!
So, if you're single or know someone who is, this app is for YOU! We’re on a mission to make dating safer, more accountable, and enjoyable! We hope you'll be part of it.
Thanks for your support, and stay tuned for more updates!
#HuddleUp #DatingRevolution #SafeDating #CryptoForGood #HuddlupCoin #HUD #datingapp #SOL
White Paper
What is Blockchain? - The simple answer:
Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that records and verifies transactions using cryptography. It's a type of distributed ledger technology (DLT). Data is stored in blocks that are linked together in a chain. Each block contains information about a transaction, such as who, what, when, where, and how much. The blocks are connected to each other to form a chain of data. Blockchain can be used to process transactions directly between peers, without the need for a central authority. It can be used to track the movement of goods and assets. Blockchain can help make transactions more transparent and secure and reduce the need for intermediaries like banks or credit card companies.
If you are reading this you probably comprehend this already, so how does blockchain help human interactions?
If you know someone whom you trust you are inclined to trust the person that introduces a new individual. Human interactions are known to help our physical and mental health and give us feelings of connection. In the same way that even the $HUD community feels interconnected, we are all interconnected in one way or another like blockchain.
"Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundation of healthy relationships”What is the Huddlup Token?
Basis for the tokenized dating project, just like blockchain technology we use similar “human-chain” technology to help make matches with in the Huddlup Dating app. Every interaction/relationship that you have is like a blockchain it can be linked and quantified. $HUD will help us to build the ecosystem for a new dating app that is self-governing and does not suffer from the failures of current applications. Feedback will be important as the launch date approaches; it will be exciting to interact with those in the community of early $HUD adopters as the app releases.
How do we create wealth and returns for holders?
Two basic ways to increase the price is good old fashion supply and demand. As supply decreases (and demand stays the same) the price will increase, as the demand increases (and supply stays the same) the price will increase. Burns help to do this in an exponential approach. The supply decreases and price rises, this causes more interest in the market to buy $HUD thus increasing demand.
I think of it like the FAFO factor that is popular with many. FAFO is often expressed as a linear equation, but we know for a fact that you can FA a certain amount until the FO starts to be realized. The FO is not always equal to the FA applied.
The exponential growth is what the $HUD is looking for; it allows adoption on a token at a lower price for a longer time and then move higher in a short amount of time. This allows trust to build in the community. At the end of the day the return to investors, especially early investors, is the desired outcome in all investments. No one invests thinking they will break even or lose money. We need to prove to the user that we are committed to this progression, and we must show that we will do the promised thing when the goal is meet.
Burn Goals
Make a promise, keep a promise. Goals based on market capitalization is the easiest commitment when looking at valuation and setting goals on burns. Burns based on time can miss the mark, too early or late and the desired effect will not be achieved. People can also “trade into” the burn, negating the anticipated outcome for all. Price fluctuates too fast and is not a good timing mechanism due to market manipulations. Starting low with burns at lower market cap will allow investors build trust in our system and the obvious promises to be fulfilled. We proposed two types of burns: first are predesignated burns based on market cap and second are profitability burns from revenue on the Huddlup dating app.
We have no contract with the investors unless we make a promise, a promise must be defined and kept. The developer group retains 20% holdings with half set aside for market cap burns. Starting at a 250,000USD market cap the Dev Team will burn 500,000 tokens. At 500k USD another 500k tokens. Once 1mm USD market cap is reached 1mm Tokens will burn and for every 1mm in market cap increase up to 10mm in market cap, 1mm tokens will burn every 5mm market cap until 10% of the total tokens to be eliminated are gone. Leaving the Dev team only holding 10% of the supply.
Profitability or Public burns are harder to calculate but the goal of 10% of net profit from the dating app will be returned for purchasing outstanding tokens on the open market (public) to be burned. The ending state of these burns will be up to an additional 20% of the total tokens, or more as the community and Dev team sees requirements and needs. These “Buy Back and Burns” will serve to increase the token price though operational profits.
With the Private burns we build trust that we are here for the long-term and are accountable to the commitments we have made. Public Burns will create the massive growth that the owners and community are looking for when we started.